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Marsa Elphinstone

Elphinstone Reef is a renowned dive site known for its exceptional marine biodiversity, sharks and it is a popular destination for experienced scuba diving enthusiasts. Divers can encounter a variety of marine life, including schools of colorful fish, reef sharks, turtles, and sometimes even larger species such as hammerhead sharks. Enjoy this great speedboat scuba diving trip.


This trip is NOT suitable for beginners.


 Interested in booking this trip?

Contact us via WhatsApp messsage (+2 010 33 833 447 or +2 010 00 060 827)

with following details:

  • Date and Time

  • Pickup Location

  • Number of Passengers

About the Trip

We will pick you up fro the place of your stay and drive you directly to Abu Dabbab beach where you will get on the speedboat. 

Diving Equipment:

Included, you can also bring your own equipment if you prefer.


Included and served on board of the boat. You can expect a meal with a selection of Egyptian and international dishes, allowing you to refuel and relax before or after snorkeling.


The boat eventually returns to the port, where transportation is provided to take you back to your hotel.

Marine Life:

The underwater world of Marsa Elphinstone is teeming with marine life. You may encounter colorful coral formations, schools of tropical fish, reef sharks, dolphins, and even larger species like whale sharks and hammerhead sharks if you're lucky.

Shark Sightings:

Marsa Elphinstone is known for being a site where divers may encounter various species of sharks. Some of the types of sharks that are commonly spotted in the waters around Marsa Elphinstone include:

  1. Oceanic Whitetip Shark (Carcharhinus longimanus): These sharks are often seen in open water and are characterized by their long, white-tipped dorsal fins. They are known to be curious and may approach divers.

  2. Grey Reef Shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos): These sharks are commonly found around coral reefs, including the walls of Marsa Elphinstone. They are known for their slender bodies and distinctive dark markings on the tips of their pectoral fins.

  3. Thresher Shark (Alopias spp.): Thresher sharks, known for their long tails, are occasionally seen in the Red Sea. They are deep-water sharks but can be encountered at shallower depths.

  4. Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrnidae family): Hammerhead sharks, with their unique hammer-shaped heads, may also be spotted in the waters around Marsa Elphinstone. These sharks are known for their schooling behavior.

It's important to note that shark encounters are not guaranteed, and the presence of sharks can vary depending on factors such as the time of year, weather conditions, and other environmental factors. While sharks are generally not a threat to divers when treated with respect and proper diving practices are followed, it's crucial to adhere to safety guidelines and recommendations provided by dive operators.

While not guaranteed, there have been occasional sightings of whale sharks in the vicinity of Marsa Elphinstone. These gentle giants attract divers from around the world.


The underwater topography of Marsa Elphinstone includes steep walls and drop-offs, making it an exciting destination for experienced divers. The depth varies, providing options for both novice and advanced divers.



Marsa Elphinstone is known for its unpredictable and sometimes strong currents. Divers should be experienced and follow proper safety guidelines.

Safety Briefing:

Before diving, you'll  receive a safety briefing and instructions from the dive or tour operators to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.



In between dives or snorkeling sessions, you can relax on the boat, soak up the sun, and enjoy refreshments and meals provided by the tour operators.


The trip includes:

  • Transfer from the hotel (or place of yourstay) and back

  • Non-alcoholic beverages

  • Diving guide and equipment

  • Lunch on the boat

What to bring:

  • Sunglasses

  • Sunsreen

  • Hat

  • Towel

  • Swimsuit

Elphinstone Reef is situated approximately 20-30 kilometers offshore from Marsa Alam on the Egyptian Red Sea coast. It is part of the Red Sea's vast and biodiverse marine ecosystem.


Physical Characteristics:

  • Elphinstone Reef is an elongated reef formation that extends vertically from the depths of the Red Sea.

  • The reef is relatively narrow, with steep drop-offs on both sides. It resembles an underwater plateau with sheer walls.

  • The northern and southern ends of the reef feature submerged plateaus, which are popular diving areas known as "The North Plateau" and "The South Plateau.

Marine Life:

  • Elphinstone Reef is renowned for its rich and varied marine life, making it a paradise for underwater enthusiasts.

  • Divers and snorkelers may encounter a wide range of marine species, including reef sharks (such as oceanic whitetip, hammerhead, and occasionally thresher sharks), dolphins, barracuda, tuna, moray eels, and colorful reef fish.

  • The vibrant coral formations are home to both hard and soft corals, gorgonian sea fans, and a variety of invertebrates.

Diving Conditions:

  • The underwater visibility at Elphinstone Reef is generally excellent, often exceeding 30 meters (100 feet).

  • Water temperatures in the Red Sea are typically warm, making it suitable for year-round diving.

Dive Sites:

  • Elphinstone Reef offers several dive sites around its perimeter, each with its own unique characteristics. The North Plateau and South Plateau are among the most popular areas for encounters with sharks and pelagic species.

  • Divers can explore the steep walls and coral gardens along the reef's sides, as well as the shallower plateaus where marine life congregates.


  • As a part of the Red Sea ecosystem, Elphinstone Reef is subject to conservation efforts to protect its fragile coral reefs and marine biodiversity. Responsible diving practices are encouraged to minimize environmental impact.

  • In summary, Elphinstone Reef is a spectacular underwater destination in the Red Sea, known for its dramatic underwater landscape, diverse marine life, and challenging diving conditions.

About Marsa Elphinstone

Contact Us

We kindly request that you send your reservation requests and any related inquiries via WhatsApp. This will allow us to serve you better and ensure that your requests are processed promptly.

Contact us

+2 010 33 833 447
+2 010 00 060 827

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